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Press Release: June 3, 2005

“The Tiniest Warrior of All” A Fairytale Story for Parents and Siblings of a ‘Baby Born Too Soon,’ to be officially released at Lifebeat 2005

Acrobat ccn-release-jun05.pdf

2005: CBC Radio “Sounds Like Canada” Interview


2005: Mississauga News: “Preemie is now Tiniest Warrior”

Acrobat mississauga_news.pdf

2005: Medical Post: “Preemie’s Tale a Resource for Families

Acrobat medical_post.pdf

CBC Radio interview: Imogen Maher was born in Toronto’s Women’s College Hospital in 2003, at the height of the global SARS scare. Her mother, Nicola, was interview as Imogen fought her battle. Listen to the interview       (Listen)

Launch, 2006: Nicola JD Maher with Maria Cavaco Silva, the wife of the President of the Portuguese Republic, at the launch of the Portugese edition of

The Tiniest Warrior of All.

Click on photo above to watch video.

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TiniestWarrior.com © 2005-2010 Nicola JD Maher

Web site based on an original design by The James Gang

According to recent statistics, 1 in every 8 babies in the developed world is born prematurely.

The Tiniest Warrior is a fairytale of their struggle; a picture book for families with an infant fighting for their life in Intensive Care. It honours their suffering, regardless of clinical outcome.

Nicola JD Maher is a parent who has suffered the anguish of having a premature child, and who has seen the joy that comes from hope. Her book provides motivation and encouragement for the thousands of families who undergo similar challenges.

She is available for media interviews on an important and sadly, all too frequent occurrence.
